Gregg Braden; D.N.A. ( Deoxyribonucleic acid ); & Indigo/Crystal Children and the importance of Love.

It has now been proven that DNA is not merely a mechanism for gene coding, but a living responsive receptor of two emotional states, love and fear. Fear encodes DNA at a low frequency of expression, while love encodes DNA at a much higher frequency.

The work of Gregg Braden carries great relevance to the subject matter here in, much of which can be found on the Internet.

There are approximately 100 trillion cells in the human body, each containing approximately 6 feet of DNA. Put end to end the amount of DNA in your body would wrap around the Earth 500 million times. Apart from the staggering amount of material, can you imagine how much information and emotional encoding is going on inside your body, at this very moment ?  Curiously enough; it estimated that there are 600 Billion stars in our galaxy alone, it is also estimated that there are 600 Billion Neurons in a single human brain.

But what relevance does this have to The Universal Non-Time Event ?

First, it is important to understand the concept of Indigo, Rainbow and Crystal children.

below : from The Starseed Transmissions Author Ken Carey

Chapter 5 MOBILE CITIES OF LIGHT ( excerpt )

We chose the years 1967 to 1969 for this first large scale experiment, because at that time in your global civilization there was an entire generation coming into maturity that was receptive to change on a planetary scale. The children of this generation will be those who will participate, on many different levels, in the great revelations of the late Eighties. This will be a truly momentous time, a time when the first contractions of birth are unmistakable. A large part of the purpose for these present transmissions is to “ prepare the parents of
this generation for something unprecedented that is to appear in their children ”.

As The Universal Non-Time Event approaches us in the spatial coordinates of the universe, the biological resonance ( us ) begins to respond. Call it a precursor of the event. The consciousness of The Universe, being all pervasive, understands what is occurring, the knowledge is then filtered through its biological resonance ( us ) in order to prepare itself ( us ) for the change in its polarity. It must be understood that the universe does not wish, or quite literally conceive of causing harm to the facets of itself and this consideration is an act of care in terms of protecting biological resolution from something which could potentially be devastating to the individual life forms of itself. To put it mildly, if unprepared the shock of reversal within a human conceptual frame work of reality would be akin to the whole human race having a rather nasty acid trip.

And so we see the advent of individual’s who have been termed as Indigo or Crystal children. These children have a very different frame of reality reference to the general populace. To me, it seems as if they are hovering between expansive and contractive consciousness and are able to make the jump between the two with great ease.

It maybe that in this moment of Universal Non-Time our greatest teachers will be our children ( and to be quite honest how else would you want it to be ) 

If it is true ( and I believe it is true ) that these children have an upgraded DNA structure, then, how much more emotional information are they processing ?

Spiritual connection has always been seen as an inward journey, into oneself, while life has always been seen as an outward expression of oneself. In the reversal of universal polarity this spiritual journey will become an outward intent and toward the expressions of spiritual understanding or love, while life will become an inward expression.

Or put in even simpler terms…our present state … think and then act.

Next state … act then think.

The first state suggest that we “ know ” by experience, ( which is untrue ), as present and subsequent experience is then judged on previous experience.

The second state infers a consciousness of intuitive understanding, to act and trust and respond to present circumstance without referring to past experience and then consider what has occurred. Therefore responding to the moment without prior pre-concept of what the event might mean, but instead being the event as it happens.

One of the basic laws of physics states, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If something is expanding, then something must be contracting.

Consciousness and The Universal Trigger.

The fact that our consciousness can imagine, conceive, witness and be aware of infinities, the fact that we have a names for these concepts, proves that they are not concepts at all, but realities.

Living, conscious, awareness, is the focus and the focal point of The Universal Being; through which it experiences itself at present. Post reversal it will be the vehicle by which it understands itself.

For consciousness to manifest itself through fractal physicality, it must have a mechanism in the physical, through which it can extrapolate the experiences of its expanding consciousness. In humans this mechanism is The Pineal Gland,  

If you choose to define consciousness only by what can be sensed through the corporeal, then it is impossible to understand the following statement.

“The Kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone.

Split a piece of wood and I am there; lift a stone and there I am also.”

The Gospel of St Thomas

The Pineal Gland

If, on reaching this point, you have watched Nassim Haramein you will grasp the importance of the pineal gland, both in conventional history as well as spiritual history.

Below : Dr Sergio Felipe de Oliveira talks about his work on the pineal gland ( subtitles )

Below : a whole series of 31 parts giving various aspects of the pineal gland and its function

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