
In order to understand how and why I have reached the conclusions made in this short work, it will be necessary for the reader to do some of his or her own research. I have given internet links for readers to follow. I apologise for this, but I could not encapsulate so many theories into short explanations. Besides I would much prefer that on viewing and digesting the information on these links, that you, the reader, draw your own conclusions.

 I would like to add that I am “ not ” a scientist, by any stretch of the imagination. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Horticulture. I am a gardener by trade and an artist and poet in my spare time. The information you find in the following pages has been, ( for want of better terminology ), kicking me in the pants and I felt compelled to connect it all and write it down.

 Please do not view this work as fact, or prediction, it is merely observation

 I understand that truth can be viewed from innumerable angles and we can all choose to interpret it in any way we choose. All I can say is, “ this information did not originate from a coherent sense inside of me, but rather came from a coherent sense outside of me and I could not, in any way, question or doubt its validity ”

 My thanks to all the people who’s information contributed to this work.


 My thanks to “ you ” for taking the time to read it


colin mitchell williams

PS ... for all the Internet links posted it is necessary to use COPY and then PASTE into your address bar 

“ The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you; not in mansions of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and you will find me, lift a stone and there I am also ”


From the Gospel of St Thomas. Written in Aramaic the language of Emmanuel / Jesus; a scroll found in 1945 near to the site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found outside of Jerusalem. Many scholars believe these to be the actual words of the Historical Jesus and the most significant Christian relic in existence. 

" All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. "
Max Planck

You are about to embark on a journey of discovery, with proof

2012 and The Universal Reversal in Time : The Universal Non Time Event.

A moment long predicted and awaited.


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